Friday, April 21, 2023

Some Drama

Boating is just solving a series of problems to keep the boat moving ahead. Sometimes the problems are navigational, sometimes weather related, and sometimes mechanical. Right now, we're experiencing a new engine problem: the port engine won't rev up to our cruising RPM of 1600 turns. This means we won't be able to get the boat up on a plane, and so, we'll just be putting along at 8 knots until we can fix the issue. The problem came on gradually over the last several days, and we're not sure of the cause. We checked the most obvious one, a dirty fuel filter, but changing to a clean filter made no difference.

Monday we'll have a mechanic in Charleston take a look and see if we can make a fix. In the mean time, we'll be a little slower than usual as we make our way up the ICW.

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