Saturday, June 29, 2024

Rolling and Tipping

This morning I applied what should be the last coat of gelcoat to the bottom of the dinghy. We'll see how it looks after it cures overnight. Then it will be time to flip the dinghy over and finish the inside.

Sunday, June 16, 2024


The first round of gelcoat is on. After it dries I'll sand with some fine grit paper and then buff it. This is an experiment for me since this is my first time using gelcoat. 


After the first sanding, the surface is almost smooth. One more round of filler and another sanding before painting with GelCoat.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Repairing the Dinghy

We holed our dinghy on one of our first crossings in the Bahamas this season. We did a rough fiberglass repair the day after, but there were a lot of gouges. Today, I'm using epoxy filler to fair the gouges and then I'll sand the areas smooth. After that, I'll apply some new gelcoat. I'll post some more pictures as we make progress.